

Current Progress in Orthopedics 1

It is said that the only constant  in the world is change. Orthopedics with its empirical origins is fast becoming  more  of an exact science day by day. Newer knowledge  has created an unprecedented  expansion of its boundaries and it is time we took stock of newer knowledge generated  by observation,  research, and evidence. With this as a central idea, the Editors place this book  in your hands. Eminent  authors  working on the forefront of this specialty have graciously contributed and their offerings will go a long way in allevi­ating human misery and raising the standards of care.

International cooperation and collaboration can strengthen Orthopedics as reflected in the diverse background and geographical location  of the editors of this book. A truly international body like SICOT (International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Trau­ matology) has helped us come together and collaborate on this important work. We hope to strengthen this friendship in times to come and would continue to work together  to bring many more volumes in this series in the coming years.

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Current Progress in Orthopedics 2

This textbook represents the second text from the Editors who have invited a panel of distinguished authors with international reputations to present the current state of the art in orthopaedic surgery.

There is more awareness of musculoskeletal disease as a cause of disability in every country and as governments and non-governmental organizations move to address this problem there is increasing recognition of the importance of orthopaedic surgery in dealing with musculoskeletal disease.

The entire spectrum from congenital abnormalities through paediatric musculoskeletal illnesses, trauma, sports and degenerative diseases have been covered in this volume.

This is the companion volume to the first published two years ago and we anticipate further volumes in the future as we attempt to address the ever expanding role of orthopaedic surgery in modern healthcare.

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Gopalan's Evidence Based Orthopaedic Principles - A SICOT India Initiative

Evidence Based Orthopaedic Principles is published under the SICOT India Initiative. It caters to students preparing for the DNB Orthopaedics, MS Ortho, FRCS(Tr and Orth) and American Board of Surgery Exams.

Find out more here.