Exhibition & Sponsorship


Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to promote your products and services to leading international orthopaedic surgeons, traumatologists and specialists in related fields.

If you are interested in sponsoring, exhibiting, or advertising at the Congress, please contact Lina Salvati at Linsa Inc. (Canada):

Tel.: +1 514 924 3476 / +1 450 458 1696 
Skype: ripley9423
E-mail: lsalvati@linsa.ca

Industry-Sponsored Sessions

Detailed information about the industry-sponsored sessions can be found here (pdf). 

Official Italian Agency for the AIFA Procedure

Any pharmaceutical company supporting or participating in a congress in Italy, is subjected to an authorization by AIFA (Italian Drug Agency), according to an Italian Government Decree (Decreto Legislativo 219/06 – art. 124).

The request of authorization must be submitted within 60 days before the starting date of the event. Non-Italian pharmaceutical companies are advised to contact the Official Italian Agency appointed by the organising secretariat before 29 April 2016:

AIM Group International - AIM Education S.r.l.
Valentina Disabato/Cristina Ghidoli
Via G. Ripamonti, 129
20141 Milan, Italy

Tel.: +39 02 56601.1
Fax: +39 02-70048585
E-mail: aifa@aimgroup.eu

Exhibitors & Sponsors
